
Captan a conductora bebiendo mientras manejaba autobús escolar en EU

Antes de recoger a los niños de primaria, la mujer compró unas cervezas en una tienda de Illinois

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27/11/2019 |15:58Pamela Benítez |
Vive USA
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Una conductora fue captada bebiendo cerveza mientras conducía un autobús escolar en la ciudad de Aurora, Illinois.

Antes de recoger a los niños de primaria, la mujer compró un par de cervezas en una tienda de conveniencia, antes de empezar su jornada del día. Los empleados notaron que subió con las bebidas a un autobús escolar y lo reportaron ante el Distrito Escolar 131.

Al subir al vehículo, la conductora abrió una de las cervezas. Comenzó a beber y trató de esconder la lata de la cámara del autobús, con la bolsa de papel que le dieron en el establecimiento.

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Mientras tanto, 32 estudiantes de primaria subieron al camión, sin percatarse de que la chofer a su cargo estaba bebiendo.

La mujer trabajaba como conductora para la empresa First Student, que brinda el servicio de transporte a las escuelas del distrito. Su eslogan es “Cuidando a los estudiantes de hoy y mañana, juntos”.

La compañía, con sede en Cincinnati despidió a la empleada en cuanto recibió el reporte y revisó las cámaras de seguridad.

Aurora Police arrest and charge school bus driver after she buys beer and drinks it while picking up students

Aurora Police have arrested and charged a school bus driver after she purchased beer at a convenience store and drank it while picking up students during a morning bus route in Aurora. On Friday, November 15th, a manager from First Student Bus Company came to the Aurora Police Department to report an incident involving one of their drivers. The manager told the officer that an observant convenience store clerk called East Aurora School District 131 and told them they just sold beer to a woman and then watched her get onto a school bus and drive away. According to East Aurora School District 131, the district contracts First Student for bussing services and the bus driver is not an employee of the district. School district administrators immediately contacted the bus company to investigate the matter. First Student quickly reviewed video from the school bus which appears to show the driver drinking from two beer cans while picking up elementary students during one of the driver’s morning routes. As soon as the bus company reviewed the video, they contacted the Aurora Police Department and terminated the bus driver. At the same time, District 131 administrators also contacted the Aurora Police Department and the Department of Child and Family Services. Aurora Police detectives opened a criminal investigation into the matter and began collecting evidence, looking at video clips, and interviewing witnesses. Detectives learned the bus driver picked up the school bus around 6:00 a.m. on Friday and completed one route. She then stopped at a gas station in the 900 block of North Farnsworth Avenue and purchased two cans of beer, returned to the bus, and drove off. Detectives reviewed video from the school bus, which shows the driver place the beer can into a brown paper bag and drink from it while driving numerous elementary school children on the bus. In all, 32 students were observed on the bus while the driver was drinking from the two beer cans. 44-year-old Michelle Passley was arrested and charged with two Class A Misdemeanors counts of Endangering the Life/Health of a Child. Aurora Police also contacted the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office to review Passley’s Commercial Driver’s License. Passley was arrested Monday evening and released on $100 bond. She will next appear in the Aurora Branch Court on December 27th, 2019. The Aurora Police Department is grateful for the initial concerned call to the district from the store’s clerk and the quick actions by East Aurora District 131 administrators and the First Student Bus Company for reporting the incident, so an investigation could be initiated.

Publicado por Aurora Illinois Police Department en Martes, 26 de noviembre de 2019

Los hechos ocurrieron la mañana del pasado 15 de noviembre, en Illinois, pero el video fue revelado hasta este martes.

Después de una minuciosa investigación, la mujer de 44 años fue arrestada este lunes por el Departamento de Policía de Aurora y enfrenta cargos por delitos contra la vida y salud de los niños.

La mujer pagó una fianza de 100 dólares para salir de la cárcel y deberá presentarse en la Corte el próximo 27 de diciembre para continuar con el proceso judicial.

En septiembre pasado se registró un hecho similar en Washington, cuando la conductora de un camión escolar aterró a un grupo de estudiantes, al estar alcoholizada.